A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
~ Proverbs 11:25
Happy New (fiscal) Year! The fiscal year for our Outreach and Missions runs from March 1st to February 28th.
So as we wind up the 2019 fiscal year of Missions lets take a look at Faith Pledges and how they’ve been used to care for our neighbors, near and far.
In 2019 we received roughly $206,000 in faith pledges, with 35% going to help our fifteen local partners, 15% going to six national partners, and 50% going to our six international partners.
This year we received 182 pledges, so far, with 64 being families and persons who didn’t pledge last year!
The faithfulness and generosity of the congregation allows us to be the hands and feet of the Lord here in our hometown and to reach out to our neighbors across the world.
Speaking of which, the Hands and Feet have been busy!
We’ve had the return of two Mission Teams, the Jamaica Men’s Mission Trip and the India Mission Trip, the latter being the first trip in 15 years! Look forward to hearing testimonies and seeing lovely pictures from our India team within the next few weeks.
This week our church is hosting our biannual Children’s Consignment Sale which takes over 200 volunteers to facilitate and brings in more finances to be used for Outreach! We’ll be sharing more information about the sale soon!
You can still make a faith pledge by visiting our website **HERE**