lenten season 2021
  • March 28, 2021 - April 11, 2021
    12:00 am - 11:55 pm

Repentance, fasting & preparation for the coming of Easter

Holy Week

March 28: Palm Passion Sunday

April 1: Maundy Thursday Service 7:00pm. Nursery available.

April 2: Good Friday Service 7:00pm. Nursery available.

April 4: Easter Sunday
7:00am – Sunrise Service w/ Communion – Lawn between Sanctuary & Chapel. Bring your own chair! Masks are optional.
8:30am – Traditional Service in Sanctuary. Overflow seating will be in the Chapel or outside the Sanctuary on the lawn. We will open the doors and windows so you can hear the music! Bring your own chair for outdoor seating & your own tablet or device to watch the service. If you sit outside, masks are optional.
9:45am – 3 on the Hill – Contemporary Service in Wesley Hall
11:00am – Traditional Service in Sanctuary. Overflow seating in the Chapel & Wesley Hall. We will also have overflow seating outside the Sanctuary on the lawn. Bring your own chair for outdoor seating & your own tablet or device to watch the service. If you sit outside, masks are optional.

**Masks are required for all services indoors. Social distancing is required for all services.**

April 11: 11am Service Only. We will have only ONE combined service at 11am in the Sanctuary (no 8:30 or 9:45am services).


Grow in your relationship with God with this “For God So Loved The World” Lenten devotional with devotions drawn from John 3:16.

Devotional: For God So Loved The World

Pastor Scott highly recommends the podcast “Journey Through Lent” from Daily Radio Bible. You can access from their website under English Podcast; the daily “Journal Through Lent” podcast is listed below their daily podcast. There is also an app available to follow along with daily scripture readings.


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