"Family Promise offers a tangible service opportunity to be the Hands and Feet of Christ right here in our church"
“At Family Promise of Augusta, we are committed to helping homeless families of the surrounding area to achieve lasting independence.
We do this by providing safe shelter, meals, cost-free day care and support services for these families. We also partner with programs designed to redress the underlying causes of homelessness.
Augusta, Georgia has a severe homeless problem that must be addressed. These people need our help, and we will continue to be there for them.”
Trinity on the Hill has partnered with Family Promise for many years through both financial support and by being one of the “Host Churches” for families in the program. A host church commits to housing the families for one week, one to four times a year. Families spend the evenings at the church while volunteers provide them supper in the evening, breakfast in the morning and a sack lunch while the parents are transported to classes or job interviews and the children go to school or daycare.
It takes a lot of volunteers to care for our families during hosting week, and there are many needs that must be met. Three couples currently work together as Family Promise Coordinators to manage our volunteers and get folks connected with a place to serve.
“Our family got involved with Family Promise in 2014 when we were looking for a way to serve together. Our twin girls were five at the time and they enjoyed the interaction with the families as well as “camping out” at the church when we served as overnight hosts. No matter the reason these families are in the program, it is such a blessing to be able to share a small part of their lives – laughing with them, crying with them, praying for them. It’s a sweet reminder that regardless of circumstance, we are all God’s people and we are called to love and help one another.” — Leanna Dyches
“We started serving with Family Promise a few years ago because of an invitation from the previous coordinators. We didn’t know what to expect but it seemed easy enough to serve for just a couple hours one evening during our church’s host week. We served as evening/ activity hosts and played games with the families which was fun and low-pressure. As we learned more about the program, we were really drawn to it because of how it’s structured. We love that Family Promise is a hand-up, not a hand out. The program has strict rules for the families so you know their committed to succeed. The success stories are so powerful; it’s humbling to be a part of their story. So often we see or hear of people in need but never know what we can do to really make an impact. Family Promise offers a tangible service opportunity to be the Hands and Feet of Christ right here in our church.” — Lauren Benson
“I started getting involved with Family Promise through Janet& Gary Billingsley and the Golf Marathon. I have played in the event for many years and have witnessed a lot of amazing testimonies by families impacted by this wonderful program. Meredith and I were given an opportunity to serve as Family promise coordinators with the Benson and Dyches families. We felt led to accept this opportunity so we can help serve and share the good news with local families in need.” –Scott Beach
Family Promise Volunteer Positions
During quarterly hosting of up to three Family Promise homeless families, you will assist our families for one evening, making them feel welcome in our church through planned or unplanned activities.
Click **HERE** for more info
During quarterly hosting of up to three Family Promise Homeless families, you will be responsible for our families overnight, making them feel welcome and safe in our church.
Click **HERE** for more info
During quarterly Family Promise weeks at Trinity, 4-5 people are needed to convert Sunday School classes to bedrooms and family areas for our homeless guests to feel welcome.
Click **HERE** for more info
During quarterly hosting of up to three Family Promise homeless families, you will be responsible for converting family rooms back into Sunday School classes.
Click **HERE** for more info
During quarterly hosting of up to three Family Promise homeless families, you will be responsible for doing a load or two of laundry and returning the clean laundry that same day to the church. This allows our volunteers and families to maintain cleanliness of (primarily) bed linens. On Sunday morning all linen is washed and returned to the church for the next hosting week.
Click **HERE** for more info
During quarterly hosting of up to three Family Promise homeless families, you will be responsible for our families during one four-hour time slot on Saturday making them feel welcome and safe in our church.
Click **HERE** for more info
During quarterly hosting of up to three Family Promise homeless families, you will be responsible to be at the Day Center to host our families in two shifts on Sunday.
Click **HERE** for more info
Trinity will be a host November 17 – 23, if you’d like to volunteer for any of the above positions, please click **HERE**