Generous Giving

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
- Corinthians 9:7

“Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can.”
-John Wesley

Most people enjoy the ease and convenience of giving online. Many other forms of giving are explained below.

Choose the way that works for you and feel the power of giving in the name of Christ.

“Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can.”
-John Wesley

Most people enjoy the ease and convenience of giving online. Many other forms of giving are explained below.

Choose the way that works for you and feel the power of giving in the name of Christ.



Credit Card

Debit Card

Forms of Giving



Credit Card

Debit Card

Giving Options

Choose the fund for your gift

General Offering Fund

“First Fruits” support church ministries as well as general & administrative functions


Support our local & global mission partners

Memorials/ In Honor

Give a gift in honor or in memory of a loved one. Select “Memorials” or “In Honor” from drop-down menu under “Fund” and list your loved ones’ name(s) in the memo section.

Beautification Endowment Fund

Gifts ranging from $500- $10,000 are recognized as the Tree of Life with an engraved leaf, acorn or stone.

General Offering Fund

"First Fruits" support church ministries as well as general & administrative functions


Support our local and global mission partners

Memorials/ In Honor

Give a gift in honor or in memory of a loved one. Select "Memorials" or "In Honor" from drop-down menu under "Fund" and list your loved ones' name(s) in the memo section.

Beautification Endowment Fund

Gifts ranging from $500- $10,000 are recognized as the Tree of Life with an engraved leaf, acorn or stone.

Make a Pledge

Creating a Legacy

The Trinity on the Hill Foundation provides opportunities for members and friends of Trinity to leave a legacy that will perpetuate the church’s ministries and programs through donations, bequests and planning giving. You may contribute to an existing fund or create a named endowment (individual or family) with a contribution of $10,000 or more.

Charles C. Stebbins, III Endowment

The Charles C. Stebbins, III Endowment is being established as a legacy honorarium for Clay Stebbins in deep appreciation and gratitude for his extraordinary and sacrificial work that allowed Trinity on the Hill to complete the disaffiliation process. This endowment will be used to fund scholarships for seminary and law school candidates. You may donate electronically by clicking HERE or by check, payable to Trinity on the Hill (memo “Stebbins Endowment”). 

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