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 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms... To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” ~ 1 Peter 4:10-11

Every year Trinity reaches out to all of it’s Mission Partners and invites them to our three day event know as the Trinity Outreach Celebration.

The Friday Night Celebration consists of a fellowship dinner followed by a recognition of our partners and presentation highlighting just some of the work that was done through out the year.  Testimonies are shared of the very real impact Trinity and its partners have had locally, nationally and internationally. This year church members Larry Moss, Jane Wall, Mike Bedsole, and Mal Lawrence shared powerful stories and led prayers during the Celebration.  

On Saturday, “Hands Day” we travel out into the community to work on a variety of projects.  This year we worked with Rise Against Hunger and packed hundreds of meals to be sent out internationally.  We also worked on “Mats for the Homeless” where we collect grocery bags and turn them into sleeping mats for our local homeless.  Our children worshiped with and created crafts and cards for our veterans.  Several people helped with a massive yard cleanup while others painted and cleaned at Maxwell House.

Sunday we worshiped together while the message was delivered by our Hope for Today partner Peter Pereira.  

Peter offered a message of hope while sharing the dangers faced by our brothers and sisters in India.  He encouraged us all to pray and to reaffirm our commitment to Missions as it makes an impact all over the world.  

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