Global Partners


Africa University


  • The mission of Africa University is to provide quality education within a Pan-African context through which persons can acquire general and professional knowledge and skills, grow in spiritual maturity, develop sound moral values, ethics and leadership qualities.


Destino del Reino

Mission Partner: Rhonda Jackson


  • The purpose that Jesus Christ has given to Destino del Reino is to raise up a new generation of leaders for the spread of His kingdom and making of disciples in all the world.


Global Hope Partners


  • Global Hope Partners endeavors to share the love of Jesus Christ through Home Orphanages, Slum Schools, VBS, the Soya Milk Project, Vocational Training Centers, a blanket ministry, and the Rag-picker’s Ministry, leading worship in the midst of the lowest caste of community in India.

Mission Partners: Peter & Esther Pereira 

SAIACS – South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies

  • Prabhu & Sheeba serve in India to spread the gospel of Jesus through the South Asia Institute for Advanced Christian Studies, preaching the gospel, and with the Jeevan Foundation, serving the marginalized.

Mission Partners: Prabhu and Sheeba Singh


A.C.E. American-Caribbean Experience


  • Youth, Adult & Medical Missions American-Caribbean Experience is a Christ-based outreach ministry dedicated to community transformation in the parish of St. Mary, Jamaica, through strategic initiatives in education, enterprise, healthcare, and discipleship.



Mission Partners: Elliott Stotler


  • Venezuela Now, Inc. is a non-profit Georgia Corporation whose purpose is to support the work of the United Methodist Church of Venezuela in reaching the lost of that country for Christ.

As a congregation, we support many other global missions with our time and our prayers.

New Year's Eve

Sunday, December 31st: We will have one combined service at 10am in the sanctuary. This service will not be livestreamed. We will rebroadcast our 6pm Christmas Eve service on NBC26 at our normal 11am spot on Sunday.

Happy New Year!

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