Local Partners

Cancer Support Services

Contact: Michele Canchola, Executive Director

Website: cancersupportservices.org

  • Cancer Support Services (formerly The Lydia Project) is the place to go for men, women, and children diagnosed with any type cancer. Routinely, decisions are made for same-day care for cancer fighters needing housing near cancer treatment, transport to appointments, prescriptions, medical supplies, utilities assistance, prayer, and ongoing encouragement services. Visit the website to find all the ways you can get involved and make a rewarding difference.

Christian Learning Centers of Augusta: “Released Time”

  • “The Christian Learning Center of Augusta (CLCA) enables volunteers, donors and advocates to provide off-campus Bible education for public school students. CLCA teachers and curriculum seek to strengthen family relations, wholesome friendships, a good work ethic, and strong study habits.” 

Contact: David Miller

Website: www.clcaugusta.com

Family Promise of Augusta

Contact: Ginifir Ferguson, Executive Director

Website: familypromiseaugusta.com

  • “Helping homeless families regain their independence. Permanently.”

GAP Ministries of Augusta

  • “We are Christians confronting emptiness, choosing compassion, creating community.”

Contact:  Elaine Lea, Director

Phone: 706-722-4408

Website: www.gapministriesaugusta.org

Golden Harvest Food Bank

Contact:  Nathan Krupa

Website: www.goldenharvest.org

  • Golden Harvest provides quality food and other grocery products to those in need, with local community support through direct service programs, food pantries, and community education about hunger​.

Good Neighbor Ministries of Harrisburg

Contact: Charles Knox

Website: goodneighborministries.org/

“Strengthening by loving our neighbors.”

Habitat for Humanity

Contact: Charles Knox

Website: augustahabitat.org

“We build strength, stability, self-reliance and shelter.”

Harrisburg Family Health Care

Contact: Charles Knox

Website: harrisburgfamilyhealth.webnode.page/

Harrisburg Family Health Care is a Free and Charitable Clinic.

Heart of Hope/Asbury Food Pantry

Contact: Ginger Moseley

Local food pantry serving those in need 2 times/month.

Heritage Academy

Contact: Tana Watson, Executive Director

Phone: 706-821-0034

Website: www.heritageacademyaugusta.org

  • “Making a quality Christian education affordable and attainable to every family.”

Lincoln Village Ministry

Website: https://www.lincolnvillage.org/

  • Lincoln Village Ministry is a proven model for holistic transformation in a community. Our vision is to replicate this model in other parts of our city and beyond. We desire to see all families and communities redeemed and transformed by the power of Christ.

Master’s Table Soup Kitchen (part of Golden Harvest)

  • “The Master’s Table Soup Kitchen serves a hot lunch to more than 325 hungry people every day, 365 days per year in downtown Augusta.”

Master’s Transport Ministry

Contact: Randal A. Gossert

Website: http://www.masterstransport.org/

  • Master’s Transport Ministry of Augusta seeks to provide low-cost travel & transportation for disabled persons in the CSRA and to other non-profit organizations,
    groups & businesses.

Methodist Family Services @ St. James UMC

Contact: Thurman Norville, Director

Phone: 706-399-6246

  • “Healing children. Uniting families. Changing lives.”

Murphy-Harpst Children’s Center

Website: https://murphyharpst.org/

  •  An agency of the United Methodist Church, Murphy-Harpst is an independent not-for-profit organization committed to meeting the needs of abused and neglected young people through residential treatment, placements in specialized foster care, and community programs that serve at-risk young people and their families. Services are available to all children regardless of sex, race, color, or creed, and whose needs can be addressed and treated within the scope of program services.

Super Saturday

Contact: Katie Piggott

  • A monthly gathering for special needs adults across the C.S.R.A.  Each month features an unique form of entertainment and lunch is provided.

Turn Back the Block/Harrisburg

Contact: Ashley Brown, Executive Director

Phone: 706-262-4000

Website: www.turnbacktheblock.com

  • “Turn Back The Block is a faith-based, nonprofit organization whose mission is to revitalize the Harrisburg neighborhood through the rehabilitation of existing housing stock and the promotion of home ownership therein.”

As a congregation, we support many other local missions with our time and our prayers.

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