
“This year’s mission trip was incredibly eye opening… I learned that what God can do through you is just as important as what He can do for you.”

A smiling group stands on stairs in front of partially repainted church doors.
One of the four teams working around the community

Each day, four teams went into the field to serve at GAP Ministries, St. Luke UMC, Turn Back the Block, Augusta Wesley Foundation, St. James UMC, and Reaching Potential through Manufacturing. Overall, the team spent approximately 1400 hours that week sanding, painting, nailing, siding, building a playground, and deconstructing with our local mission partners. 

A special thanks is extended to those that supplied these teams with housing, food, and most importantly covered them in prayer. Below are some testimonials from the participants:

A young man and woman sit on scaffolding sanding the frame around an old window.
Two volunteers sand the frames of the windows at St. James

“I love mission trips because you get to be surrounded by the best people that constantly encourage you and speak life into you throughout the week. Making those relationships and seeing the difference you make in people’s lives is priceless. Yes, we go to work and help others, but we gain so much more out of it than just that.  We gain a faith family and new understanding for the blessings God has given us.” Jordan – TN

“This year’s mission trip was incredibly eye-opening. From serving the homeless to painting for a Montessori School, I learned that what God can do through you is just as important as what He can do for you. This has been and always will be my favorite tradition with my favorite family.” Lydia – TN

The mission team gathers together in a newly rebuilt playground.  Some stand on the ground while others are gathered on the refurbished playground slide.
Volunteers and community members alike gather in the newly rebuilt playground

“This was my first mission trip and it was a week I don’t think I’ll ever forget. While on this trip, I felt so much love from all the different members of the church and the community. The people that we were assisting made it known that they were thankful. It was a different kind of feeling for me. I learned a lot from this mission trip and I’m glad I found the time to go.” Edward – TN

To volunteer with other missions like this click HERE

Curious about the ministries our volunteers worked with? Click the name below to learn more. **Starred names are Trinity Mission Partners**

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New Year's Eve

Sunday, December 31st: We will have one combined service at 10am in the sanctuary. This service will not be livestreamed. We will rebroadcast our 6pm Christmas Eve service on NBC26 at our normal 11am spot on Sunday.

Happy New Year!

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