Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.
Peter 4:10

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Once logged into Realm, view the Serving tab- then view Opportunities.

Complete your Serving Profile by identifying Days You Can Serve and selecting your Skills and Interests.

Additional Opportunities

Our modern worship is a casual worship service in Wesley Hall at 9:45 on Sunday morning that is visual and band-oriented. Serve in roles on the guest services, technical or worship teams with a focus on attracting new guests to our church to experience our community of faith.

Our modern worship service meets in Wesley Hall at 9:45 on Sunday mornings. Volunteer musicians as well as greeters, sound & audio managers and coffee hosts are some of the opportunities you can explore.

Our Administrative VolunServants support our business functions in the church office on finance, facility and communication teams. Opportunities are available to serve in roles in Broadcast Ministry, Preschool, and Event Management teams.

Adult Discipleship roles are focused on developing and equipping disciples for transformational growth and include VolunServant opportunities for those called to teaching, facilitating small groups, offering hospitality by hosting groups and developing biblical curriculum.

Children’s Ministry VolunServants serve as teachers who share the gospel with elementary children, shepherds who welcome children warmly and encourage them as they learn, and helpers who serve behind the scenes to create engaging children’s environments, handle logistics and manage supplies.

Congregational Care VolunServants minister to those who seek healing and comfort through prayer, hospital visitation, the provision of practical needs, and the encouragement and reminder that they are loved by their church family. Senior VolunServants share their wisdom and faith in multiple roles supporting our Prime Time and other Senior Adult fellowship events.

Connections VolunServants welcome guests warmly and invite them into our fellowship of believers by greeting them, providing information about our ministries and accounting for them to ensure they are connected to small groups for discipleship.

Men’s and Recreation VolunServants teach God’s word, facilitate small groups, and offer hospitality as they host small groups. Basketball and Volleyball coaches provide fun environments to connect our church family through the shared love of the sport.

Missions VolunServants serve in roles that support local and global mission partners and obey Jesus’s command to go and make disciples.

Women’s Ministry VolunServants serve in roles from prayer warriors to Bible teachers and small group facilitators to event coordinators with a focus on equipping women to grow in their relationship with the Lord by providing fellowship, discipleship, and relational support to women in all stages of life.

While most Music Ministry VolunServants have vocal or instrumental gifts to share, helpers are also needed to support these worship leaders who serve in choirs for all stages of life. Worship VolunServants primarily serve on Sundays as ushers, communion servers, Sanctuary decorators and technical teams to support our 8:30 and 11:00 Sanctuary services.

Lauren pic
Lauren Benson
Director of Marketing & Connection

706.738.8822 x 117

VolunServe is the process Trinity uses to help our members honor the vow they took to faithfully serve Christ by connecting them to serve in the ministries of our church. 1 Peter 4:10 directs “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” VolunServe clarifies the practical steps one takes to shift from a consumer to a contributor in our community of believers and to grow in faith together as we seek “To Know Christ and Make Christ Known.”


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