Worship Flowers

Placing flowers in the Sanctuary is a beautiful way to honor or memorialize a loved one and bring glory to God. Other worshipers can appreciate the arrangement and your sentiments will be printed in the Order of Worship with the following wording:

Flowers are placed in the Sanctuary today to the glory of God and in loving honor/memory of ________ by ________.

Please contact Carol in the church office at 706.738.8822 x 114 or email cspires@trinityonthehill.net to reserve open dates or make changes to reservations.

If you would like to use the florist that Trinity uses, Flowers on Broad in downtown Augusta, the cost is $117 to place flowers on the altar. If you prefer to use your own florist, you can make those arrangements and notify Carol in the office.

2024 Altar Flower Open Dates

Carol Spires
Carol Spires
Assistant to the Senior Minister

706.738.8822 x 110

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