Worship In Person

We invite you to join in person for worship Sunday mornings!

Traditional Worship: 8:30 am & 11:00am in our Sanctuary

Modern Worship: 9:45am in Wesley Hall

Traditional Worship Online

Our 11:00am Traditional worship service is streamed weekly to our YouTube channel and our Facebook page.

If you are unable to watch the service live, the recorded service is uploaded to YouTube and will be available for you to watch afterwards.


Modern Worship Online

Our modern worship service is streamed live on YouTube & Online.Church at 9:45 am. 

Find your way Sunday morning!

Traditional Broadcast on NBC Television

Traditional Worship is aired live on Sundays at 11am on NBC 26.

Worship Online

Traditional Service
Traditional Service
Contemporary Service
Modern Service

Trinity on the Hill offers both traditional and modern worship services.